Mon Dec 07 2020

Medical infection control line

Hydrumedical (Hydrustent SA) Infection Control Line comprises a wide range of bactericidal, virucidal (including SARS-Cov-2), fungicidal and yeasticidal products (tested under international EN standards) that provide a clean and safe environment in healthcare and near-patient facilities and as well as in your home.

HYDRU-SURFACES: fast, effective and ready to use. Apply directly on the surface.

HYDRU-HANDS : rub-in hand disinfectant agent specially formulated to respect your skin.

HYDRU-DISINFECTANT: general use. Effective disinfecting agent.

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Avepark - Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia

Zona Industrial da Gandra

4805-017 Barco - Guimarães - Portugal


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+351 912 228 268
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+351 915 204 268
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+351 912 029 703
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+351 911 988 644

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