Antes de começar a navegar na nossa página e a interagir connosco, saiba que:
A Hydrumedical, SA, adiante designada por Hydrumedical, enquanto Responsável pelo Tratamento de dados pessoais, reconhece que a privacidade, a segurança e a proteção dos dados pessoais são um direito fundamental dos Utilizadores do SITE, dos nossos clientes e dos nossos parceiros. Recomendamos, assim, vivamente que reserve algum tempo para ler a nossa Política de Privacidade na íntegra.
Esta Política de Privacidade informa-o de quais as práticas de privacidade adotadas pela Hydrumedical no que concerne aos seus dados pessoais, independentemente do canal ou meios (por telefone ou email) que usa para interagir com a Hydrumedical, quais os dados que são recolhidos e para que finalidade, bem como quais os direitos que tem a partir do momento em que os seus dados pessoais são recolhidos. Esta Política de Privacidade não se aplica a produtos e serviços.
O tratamento dos dados pessoais que é feito é da responsabilidade da Hydrumedical, S.A., pessoa coletiva n.º 513 920 706, com sede no Avepark – Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia, Zona Industrial da Gandra, freguesia de Barco, 4805-017 Guimarães, que assume o papel de “Responsável pelo Tratamento”, conforme estabelecido pelo Regulamento (UE) 2016 /679 do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho, de 27 de abril de 2016 (RGPD), cuja execução é assegurada na ordem jurídica nacional pela Lei n.º 58/2019, de 08 de agosto, representada por Alexandre António Antunes Barros e Pedro Emanuel Pontes Bragança Salgado, na qualidade de administradores. Dentro da organização, a pessoa de contato com quem os Utilizadores podem esclarecer dúvidas e exercer os seus direitos é Alexandre Barros. Tal contacto deve ser feito através de uma das seguintes vias: a) telefone: +351 912 202 033; b) correio eletrónico:; e c) endereço postal: Avepark – Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia, Zona Industrial da Gandra, freguesia de Barco, 4805-017 Guimarães
Os dados pessoais que são recolhidos pela Hydrumedical são única e exclusivamente o e-mail.
Tal dado é fornecido voluntariamente pelos Utilizadores (através do envio de um email para o email disponibilizado pela Hydrumedical no SITE) e será utilizado, apenas e tão só, para efeitos de contacto posterior, nomeadamente: resposta ao e-mail enviado e alterações à Política de Privacidade.
Os dados pessoais fornecidos pelos Utilizadores caracterizam-se por ter: i) uma natureza limitada, na medida em que a Hydrumedical não solicitará mais informações (dados pessoais) do que o estritamente necessário para a finalidade indicada; ii) uma finalidade específica para a qual eles serão tratados – efeitos de contacto referidos acima; iii) um fundamento legal que torna lícito o tratamento - manifestação de vontade livre, específica, informada e explícita (Consentimento), que pode ser retirada a qualquer momento.
O tratamento que é realizado pela Hydrumedical não sujeita os Utilizadores a nenhuma decisão tomada exclusivamente com base no tratamento automatizado, incluindo a definição de perfis, que produza efeitos na sua esfera jurídica ou que o afete significativamente.
Os seus dados pessoais não serão transferidos internacionalmente.
A Hydrumedical conserva os seus dados pessoais durante o tempo necessário para levar a cabo a finalidade para a qual foram recolhidos – efeitos de contacto – pelo que serão conservados por um período de cinco anos a partir da última data em que obtivemos o seu consentimento.
Embora a Hydrumedical não consiga verificar a idade dos Utilizadores, aquando do fornecimento dos seus dados pessoais, a Hydrumedical, através de mecanismos de controlo por si adotados, excluirá todos e quaisquer dados inseridos por um menor de 16 anos.
O Princípio da Segurança dos dados pessoais exige a adoção, por parte do responsável pelo tratamento, de medidas técnicas e organizativas que garantam a segurança dos dados pessoais, impedindo que sejam alterados, perdidos ou acedidos e tratados por terceiros não autorizados.
Com base nas disposições constantes do RGPD, foram estabelecidas medidas adicionais de segurança. Os dados pessoais dos Utilizadores são armazenados em servidores confiáveis, protegidos por políticas e medidas rígidas de segurança os quais são, com alguma frequência, verificados por forma a melhorar e corrigir qualquer falha de segurança que seja detetada em prol da proteção dos seus dados pessoais.
O Utilizador, enquanto Titular dos dados pessoais, é responsável pela veracidade, precisão, validade e autenticidade dos dados fornecidos à Hydrumedical.
O exercício de quaisquer dos direitos acima enunciados deve ser feito através de uma das seguintes vias:
a) envie e-mail para:;
b) escreva-nos para: Avepark – Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia, Zona Industrial da Gandra, freguesia de Barco, 4805-017 Guimarães
Caso tenha alguma dúvida relacionada com o tratamento dos seus dados pessoais ou alguma dúvida ou comentário relacionado com a presente Política de Privacidade, entre em contato connosco: E-mail:; Telefone: : +351 912 202 033.
Podemos atualizar a nossa Política de Privacidade a qualquer momento, e se isso envolver alterações substanciais que possam afetar os seus direitos, disso será informado - por e-mail ou publicando um aviso informativo no nosso SITE. Mesmo assim, recomendamos que consulte a nossa Política de Privacidade com regularidade. A nossa Política de Privacidade foi criada em conformidade com as disposições constantes no REGULAMENTO (UE) 2016/679 DO PARLAMENTO EUROPEU E DO CONSELHO de 27 de abril de 2016 relativo à proteção das pessoas singulares no que diz respeito ao tratamento de dados pessoais e à livre circulação desses dados e que revoga a Diretiva 95/46 / CE, que constitui o nosso quadro referencial e, ainda, da Lei n.º 58/2019, de 08 de agosto, Lei da Proteção de Dados Pessoais que assegura a execução do referido regulamento na nossa ordem jurídica interna.
Privacy Policy
Before using our website and start interacting with us, please know that:
Hydrumedical SA, hereinafter referred to as Hydrumedical, as controller of processing personal data, recognizes that privacy, security and personal data protection are fundamental rights of website users, our clients and our associates. Thus, we recommend you to take some time to fully read our Privacy Policy.
This Privacy Policy informs you of the privacy practices undertaken by Hydrumedical concerning the personal data, regardless of the tools or resources (phone or email) that you use to interact with Hydrumedical, which data is collected and for what purpose, as well as, your legal rights from the moment your personal details are collected. This Privacy Policy is not applicable to products or services.
1. Principles followed by Hydrumedical, Security and Personal Data Protection
The control of personal data is done accordingly to the law and based on the lawfulness, accountability, fairness, transparency, purpose limitation, data minimization and accuracy principles.
Hydrumedical undertakes lawful control of your personal data, collecting your unambiguous, informed, specific and freely given consent.
Your personal data will never be used for any purposes non-compliant with the principles described before.
The exercise of any right owned by you, from the moment in which your personal data is collected, will be easy to access (see number 10).
Your personal data is gathered solely and exclusively for the purpose described at the moment when it is captured. Hydrumedical will not access your personal data for any other purpose unless you previously consent otherwise as the personal data subject.
We collect your personal data based on the Data Minimization Principle, in terms that Hydrumedical will only capture the necessary data for that specific purpose.
To ensure your personal data collected is precise, complete, and updated, all necessary measures are taken (see number 9).
From the moment in which your personal data is no longer needed for the intended purpose that it was collected to, Hydrumedical will no longer process it and therefore it will be safely destroyed.
Hydrumedical enforced several safety measures in order to protect your personal data against unauthorized access or disclosure.
2. Definitions. It is important that you understand some essential terms:
Personal data: any information related to an identified or identifiable individual (for example: name, identification number, and so on.).
Data subject: the person whose data is processed
Controller: a person that determines the purposes for which and the means by which personal data is processed, before gathering its consent, and the one that takes responsibility for the compliance under General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Processing of personal data: any operation or set of operations performed upon personal data, whether or not by automatic means, such as collection, recording, organization, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, blocking, erasure or destruction.
Consent: any freely given, specific and informed indication of his or her wishes by which the data subject signifies his or her agreement to personal data relating to him being processed.
Third-party: a natural or legal person, external to Hydrumedical, other than the data subject.
Subcontractor: any natural or legal person, public authority, agency, or any other body who processes personal data on the controller´s behalf.
Personal data transference: any transfer of personal data to third parties
3. Personal Data Processing Controller
Hydrumedical S.A., tax ID No. 513920706, with its head office at Avepark – Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia, Zona Industrial da Gandra, freguesia de Barco, 4805-017 Guimarães, is responsible by processing personal data and acts as the “Processing Controller”, according to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 from the European Parliament and of the Council of 27th of April of 2016 (General Data Protection Regulation), the fulfilment of which is ensured by the national law nº 58/2019, of 8th of august, here represented by Alexandre António Antunes Barros and Pedro Emanuel Pontes Bragança Salgado, as Managers. In the organization, the data subject may contact Alexandre Barros to clarify any questions and exercise his/her rights. Thus, the following options may be used: a) by phone: +351 912 292 033; b) by e-mail:; by address: Avepark (room 213) – Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia, Zona Industrial da Gandra, freguesia de Barco, 4805-017 Guimarães.
4. What personal data and for which purposes is processed
Hydrumedical processes solely and exclusively the e-mail address as personal data. It is freely given by the data subject (through an e-mail sent to the available e-mail on the Hydrumedical website) and will be only used as a response to an e-mail sent or to inform any alterations to the Privacy Policy.
The personal data given by the data subject is known for: I) having a limited nature, in a way that Hydrumedical will not request any other information (personal data) than the ones strictly necessary for the intended purpose; II) it is processed for a specific purpose – as a way of contact mentioned before; III) having a lawful basis for processing – freely given, informed, specific, and unambiguous indication (consent) which can be withdrawn at any time.
Processing carried out by Hydrumedicla will not submit data subjects to any kind of decision solely taken based on the automated decision-making process, including profiling, that has legal or similarly significant effects on them.
5. International transfers of personal data
Your personal data will not be internationally transferred.
6. How long will Hydrumedical keep your personal data?
Hydrumedical will keep your personal data no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it was processed – contact means – thus it will be kept for a period of five years from the last time you gave us your consent.
7. Children’s privacy
Although Hydrumedical can not verify the age of a data subject while collecting his/her personal data, Hydrumedical will, through verifying tools adopted meanwhile, delete any and all personal data given by a data subject under the age of 16.
8. Security of personal data
According to the security principle of personal data, the controller and the processer must ensure appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction, or damage, using appropriate technical or organizational measures.
In compliance with GDPR, additional security measures were established. Data subject's personal data are stored in trustworthy database servers, protected by strict security measures and policies, which are, constantly, checked to improve and correct any detected security breach in order to protect personal data.
9. Data subject responsibility
The data subject, as the personal data owner, is responsible for the veracity, accuracy, validity authenticity of the data provided to Hydrumedical.
10. What are your legal rights and how you can exercise them?
Right to be informed: provides individuals with clear and concise information about what Hydrumedical do with their personal data, as well as with individuals' rights. Hydrumedical provides such information in this present document – Privacy Policy.
Right of access: the right of data subjects to obtain a copy of their personal data controlled by Hydrumedical. The exercise of this right is, usually, free of charge, however, in some cases, it may cost €50,00 for the administrative costs. Any manifestly repeatedly, unfounded or excessive requests will not be attended.
Right to rectification: right for individuals to have inaccurate personal data rectified, completed if it is incomplete, or updated if it is outdated.
Right to erasure: the data subject has the right to have his/her personal data controlled by Hydrumedical erased, relying on the fact that it is possible to do so and that Hydrumedical does not have any legal or legitimate reason to continue controlling these data.
Right to restrict processing: The data subject has the right to obtain from the controller restriction of processing, where one of the following applies: 1) the individual contests the accuracy of their personal data; 2) the individual has objected to you processing their data; 3) the controller no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of the processing; 4) the processing is unlawful.
Right to data portability: the right to receive the personal data concerning him or her, which he or she has provided to Hydrumedical and transmit those data to another controller.
Right to withdraw consent: The data subject shall have the right to withdraw his or her consent, formerly given to Hydrumedical, at any time. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. Prior to giving consent, the data subject shall be informed thereof. It shall be as easy to withdraw as to give consent.
Right to lodge a complaint with to Portuguese Data Protection Authority (CNPD): if the data subject considers that the processing of personal data relating to him or her infringes this Regulation, he or she may lodge a complaint to CNPD (
The exercise of any of the rights mentioned above must be made using one of the following options:
a) Send an e-mail to:;
b) Write us using this address: Avepark (room 213) – Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia, Zona Industrial da Gandra, Barco, 4805-017 Guimarães, Portugal
11. Contact us
For any enquiries regarding your personal data processing or any doubt or comment concerning this Privacy Policy, please contact us: e-mail:; Phone: +351 912 202 033.
12. Alterations to this Privacy Policy and applicable law
We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time, and in case this represents substantial changes that may affect your rights, you will be informed – by e-mail or through an informative notice published on our website. Nevertheless, we recommend you to regularly read our Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy was created according to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 from the European Parliament and of the Council of 27th of April of 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regards to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC, that constitutes our referential framework and the enforcement of Law No. 58/2019 of 8 August, which ensures the implementation, in the internal legal system of the regulation mentioned before.
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